This Circular is being issued to disseminate the availability of the Offline eBlRForrns Package Version 7 .9.2, which is downloadable from the following sites:
- www.bir.gov.ph
- www.knowyourtaxes.ph
The new Offline eBlR Forms Package includes the January 2018 version of the following forms:
- 2552 – Percentage Tax Return for transactions Involving Shares of Stock Listed and Traded Through the Local Stock Exchange or Through Initial and/or Secondary Public Offering
- 1600-vT – Monthly Remittance Return of Value-Added Tax Withheld
- 1600-PT – Monthly, Remittance Return of Other Percentage Taxes Withheld
- 1707 – Capital Gains Tax Return for Onerous Transfer of Shares of Stocks Not Traded through the Local Stock Exchange
- 2200-C – Excise l-ax Return for Cosmetic Procedures